The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. is located at 2495 Main Street, Suite 118 at the Tri-Main Center in Buffalo, New York.
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The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing employers' and employees knowledge of environmental and occupational safety and health compliance.
The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc.'s expert staff can assist our clients in every aspect of environmental and occupational safety and health compliance including:
* Conducting Safety Needs Assessments; * Developing Site Specific Safety and Health Programs; * Conducting On-Site Consultation; * Developing Site Specific Training Programs; * Review of Safety and Health Programs.
Our unique partnerships with the regulatory agencies allow us to understand exactly what the compliance issues are and address the safety and health needs in a proactive manner to prevent injuries and illnesses, as well as accidents that could result in fatalities.
Whatever the need, The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. can meet it.
The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. is comprised of the leading environmental and occupational safety and health experts in the country. Our staff has been involved in the safety and health industry for over twenty years, providing in excess of two hundred thousand (200,000) hours of training in related fields, with many years of safety and health consultation and services to a variety of employer and employee groups.
By providing the leading experts in the field of safety and health, our clients can enjoy the top compliance experts in the industry to assist them with their needs.
Raymond Z. Turpin is the President and Executive Director of The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc.. Mr. Turpin has been involved with the environmental and occupational safety and health industry since 1983, when he worked at the Love Canal remediation project. As Director of Safety for a leading industrial cleaning contractor, Mr. Turpin was responsible for over 400 hundred employees involved in:
* Asbestos Abatement * High Pressure Water Cleaning * Hazardous Waste Site Remediations * Hazardous Waste Transportation * Hazardous Waste Disposal * and other environmental and occupational safety and health issues.
In 1988, Mr. Turpin joined Niagara County Community College, Department of Corporate Training, as an Adjunct Instructor, providing expertise in the fields of asbestos, hazardous waste site remediation and emergency response to chemical releases. He was responsible for developing course materials and curriculae for all of the training offerings.
IN 1993, the College asked Mr. Turpin to take over the helm of Coordinator of Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health. This position was the supervisory role for all the safety and health services offered by the College. Relying on his expertise in construction and general industry, the College was successful in obtaining the designation as OSHA's Region II, OSHA Training Institute Education Center.
Mr. Turpin was instrumental in establishing the College as one of OSHA's top Regional Education Centers. Evidence of this was the first ever partnership between OSHA and the private sector in the presentation of a conference entitled "Effective Practices in Ergonomics", held in September of 1997. This immensely successful conference was then used as a model program by the twelve other Education Centers. The NCCC model conference enabled them to design their own presentations of the conference, thus allowing the public, employers and employees the opportunity to interact directly with OSHA on good ergonomic practices.
In February of 2001, Mr. Turpin realized his dream of an environmental and occupational safety and health training organization when he founded The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. Offering regulatory compliance assistance through consultation and training, The Safety and Health Training Center, Inc. has become one of the top training organizations in the country, providing services from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida.
An internationally recognized leader in the field, Mr. Turpin has received hundreds of requests to speak at a variety of seminars and events. A regular speaker at the National Safety Congress, he is regarded as one of the top speakers on safety and health, with his use of entertaining and participatory lecture style.
Mr. Turpin has served on the Board of Directors for the Genesee Valley Safety Conference, since 1995, with a past performance as the program coordinator and Vice President, for this bi-annual safety conference, held in Rochester, New York.
Mr. Turpin also serves on the Board of Directors for the Western New York Safety Conference, an annual safety conference located in the Buffalo, New York area. As past program chairman, Mr. Turpin was instrumental in establishing the Western New York Safety Conference as one of the largest safety conferences in New York.